Dog Nutrition: What You Need to Know

HomeDog FoodsDog Nutrition: What You Need to Know

Introduction: Dog Nutrition and What You Need to Know

A dog is a companion and a friend, but it is also an animal. An animal that should be cared for and looked after properly. You need to provide the best quality food and care for your dogs for them to live a happy, healthy and long life.

The first thing you need to know about your dog’s diet is that dogs should not eat human food. While we may eat pretty much anything, dogs are not as fortunate as humans are when it comes to what we can digest. A different approach should be taken when choosing the best dog food as well as what ingredients you feed your pet with. Your best bet is to go with dry kibble which has limited ingredients such as chicken or lamb meal, potatoes or oatmeal, soybean oil or corn oil and other

What You Should Consider When Choosing a Dog Food

What you should consider when choosing a dog food:

-Price and quality: The cheapest and most commonly available option is usually not the best. You should try to find a high-quality option for you and your pup, but remember that it often costs more.

-Nutritional content: Feeding your pup the right food will ensure that they stay healthy as they age.

-The size of your pup: Some dogs will need different kinds of food than others due to their weight or size. For example, small dogs can't tolerate as much protein as large breeds.

-The length of time you plan on feeding your pup. Dry kibble is cheaper than canned and lasts longer, but needs to be fed with water. Canned food has an unpleasant taste according to some

How to Choose the Best Diet for your Dog's Size/Age/Activity Level?

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Dogs are carnivores that need to eat meat. Dogs can also eat vegetables that are not toxic for dogs. If fed carefully, vegetables can be a healthy addition to a dog's diet and provide vitamins and fiber.

One way to determine the best diet that dog should be on is by determining what size/age/activity level it falls into under these categories. For example, if the dog is a puppy, it needs more calories because it has a high metabolism and is growing. If the dog is full grown, then it needs fewer calories because most of its growth happened earlier in life.

Choosing the best diet for your dog may seem like a daunting task. However, it is really simple with 9 Rivers guides. Here you will find out information about the best types of food and how much to feed your dog for their size, age, and activity level.

The Benefits of Feeding Your Dog Raw Foods

A diet for a dog should be a lot different than a human's. The raw diet for dogs has been around for decades and is finally gaining popularity in the United States, Europe and Australia. This type of diet is made up of all natural ingredients that can include meat, fruits, vegetables and even insects like crickets.

The benefits of feeding your dog raw foods include:

Increased vitality (energy levels).

Healthier skin and coat.

Improved digestion and nutrient absorption.

Weight management (ideal weight).

Most people feed their dog commercial food. But we know that this is not the best option for our pets. Commercial pet foods are made with corn, soy, and wheat, which are three ingredients that cause allergic reactions in many dogs. They also contain artificial colors and flavors that can be harmful to your dog's health.

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